Friday, February 20, 2009

Freetds, DBD-Sybase, Fedora 10

This is an update to an earlier entry

If you want to install DBD-Sybase Perl Module and use freetds in Fedora 10
you must install a patch for it to work. My versions are freetds-0.82, DBD-Sybase-1.09 and of course Fedora 10.

Find your way to the FreeTDS source directory, such that this command

$ grep '\$Id' include/cspublic.h
static const char rcsid_cspublic_h[] = "$Id: cspublic.h,v 1.61 2008/09/08
17:50:25 jklowden Exp $";

Your ID will be different; it should match what's in the patch: 1.58.

Then "man patch" is your friend. Like it says,

usually just

is all you need, as in:

$ patch < /path/to/your/cspublic.BLK_VERSION_150.patch

Then build and install per usual.

(shamelessly stolen from


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